Execution of a will
The execution of a will is an instrument of succession planning that can be ordered by the testator in a will or contract of inheritance. The executor is responsible for carrying out the testator’s last will and testament. He is therefore responsible for enforcing the will of the testator. To this end, the law grants him a corresponding power of disposal, which authorises him comprehensively to administer the estate.
We will be happy to advise you on the question of whether it makes sense to arrange for the execution of a will in your case and will assist you in making an effective arrangement through a will or inheritance contract. Together, we can determine the most suitable type of execution of the will for you in each individual case. Our lawyers specialising in inheritance law are the right contacts for all questions relating to the arrangement and implementation of the execution of the will. We also have certified executors at your disposal for the implementation of the execution of your will.