
Governing Documents

The governing documents needed to form and regulate a business or undertaking varies depending on the type of entity chosen. Articles of association are needed to create and regulate the structure of certain partnerships, whereas bylaws are needed for certain corporate entities.  Regardless of the governing document, there are complex legal and organisational considerations. The governing documents contain regulations on the rights and obligations of the shareholders, the organisation of management, managerial powers, the distribution of profits and losses and many other aspects of entity law.

From our many years of experience, we know that it is important to think ahead when drawing governing documents in order to prevent future risks and disputes between partners or shareholders. We are available to support you  in the drafting of governing documents, if you are about to form a German entity, and in the review and optimisation of existing governing documents.

We will be happy to advise you comprehensively on the respective options and available customisations to create or evaluate the structure of your business.