Startup funding programs in Berlin

Below we describe programs for the promotion and financing of founders, startups and young companies in the state of Berlin together. The description of the programs contains information on the type of funding, the possible funding volume, the access requirements and possible other criteria in connection with the funding mechanism.

Overview on startup funding programs in Berlin offered by state development banks

Provider of the program: Investitionsbank Berlin


What is being financed

Support during the early start-up phase

Initial start-up financing is provided to support start-ups during the development, implementation and market establishment of innovative products and services.



  • Support is available to founders and micro-enterprises registered in Berlin.
  • Applicants must not have been in business for more than one year (beginning with the signing of the partnership agreement).
  • In the case of partnerships and corporations, the founders must hold the majority of the shares in the applicant company and exercise the main management functions at the company.
  • This programme focuses on start-ups based on technological, digital, creative or particularly sustainable business models even if they do not have a very high degree of technological innovation.
  • The programme is generally not open to the construction industry, the catering, hotel and retail sectors, with the exception of mail order businesses, as well as areas that are already ruled out under de-minimis rules.
  • The costs eligible for support must be incurred within two years.
  • Support is provided to establish companies that are planning to develop, manufacture and introduce applications, products, services, methods or processes that are innovative or not yet established on the market.
  • Funding is available to cover expenditure, such as material and investment costs, operating expenses, personnel costs (max. of 50% of the total grant), third-party services, measures to secure and protect rights and patent applications.
  • Funding can only be granted for measures that have not yet commenced at the time the application is submitted.
  • After receiving support under this programme, the company is required to keep its headquarters and the facility supported up and running in Berlin for at least three years.
  • After receiving support for a freelance profession, the profession must be pursued for at least three years in Berlin


An earmarked grant in the form of partial financing for 50% of the total costs eligible for support, however, limited to a maximum of EUR 50,000. Funding is paid out in a maximum of five tranches

Provider of the program: BürgschaftsBank Berlin


What is being financed

 Entrepreneurs with good ideas, but without the security and collateral for a Bank loan. In order to provide the collateral needed to back a loan, BürgschaftsBank Berlin issues guarantees for commercial businesses in Berlin.



  • Small and medium-sized enterprises as well as freelance professionals who have been in business for at least three years and whose balance sheet or income statement (not older than 15 months) shows a positive operating result and positive equity.
  • Online application procedure and thereby enables guarantees for secure bank loans to be issued within five working days.
  • The application is filed via the bank. By submitting an online application directly to BürgschaftsBank Berlin, the bank can receive a guarantee to back its loan to the company



  • Guarantees of up to 70% of investment, working-capital and guaranteed loans.
  • Guarantees, public loans (such as KfW and IBB loans) as well as leasing loans up to a maximum guarantee sum of EUR 175,000. This means that – depending on the collateral needed – loans of between EUR 250,000 (70%) and EUR 350,000 (50%) can be backed.